Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Harry Potter Adventure: The Pregame
My history with Harry Potter isn't really all that exciting. I never dressed up like a character and went to a midnight release party. I can't even say I was one of the fans before the movies were made. In fact I didn't even see The Sorcerer's Stone in the theaters because I was in the middle of reading it at the time and didn't want the ending spoiled. But I love the series. I truly believe it will last through time as one of the great works of fantasy along with Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, and (one of my favorites) His Dark Materials(aka The Golden Compass). Last year I had the chance to go to the Harry Potter exhibit when it was at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. While there I had the chance to be sorted. yep, I wore the sorting hat and it assigned me to my house. I am a Slytherin. The thing about Harry Potter that always gets me is how much I fall in love with the characters. Even the evil ones. Voldemort is one of the most brilliant villains of all time! My favorite characters in the series have never been Harry, Ron, or Hermione because the supporting cast is just as well developed as the leading characters.
As it stands now, my favorites are....
BOOK: 1. The Half Blood Prince 2. The Prisoner of Azkaban
CHARACTER(s): 1. Luna Lovegood 2. Remus Lupin 3. Tom Riddle
MOVIE: The Sorcerer's Stone (I just love the magic of Hogwarts and everything being so new)
MOMENT: Neville Longbottom winning the house cup for Griffindor
Post in the comments your Harry Potter Favorites Lists!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Dear Blog,
Next Project? What, pray tell, could that be??? I'll tell you!
I will be embarking on a journey through all seven Harry Potters! Yes, I have already read them all. Some of them multiple times. However, I thought it would be fun if Jim and I re-read them all together before the next movie. The question is this: Do I blog about a series of books I assume most of my readers has read? I could write about things I never really noticed or appreciated about the books until reading them all in succession. No summaries, no reviewing. I LOVE these books. Five Stars(times seven books is 35 stars). There is the review. Maybe i'll do short daily updates on the progress since this is a challenge with a deadline.
So how about it bloggers? would you like to follow me through the Harry Potter Adventure? Let me know in the comments if this would be at all interesting to you.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Other Posts?
What do you think? Do you like this idea? Any other brilliant blog ideas that I cannot think up on my own? This blog is still a baby and I think it has a lot of room to grow.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Order of Odd Fish by James Kennedy
Thursday, September 16, 2010
News: I now have a Twitter! I'm still confused on how to work it, but I'm trying. You should follow me at username BkwrmAdventure
Right now I'm reading James Kennedy's The Order of Odd Fish. So far I'm really enjoying it, and I plan to have the review on it up sometime this weekend! Check out James Kennedy's website and see for yourself how funny he is!
After that, I am so so so excited to read Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan. It's my first Westerfeld book and my first adventure into the Steampunk genre. Check out this video trailer for the book Here!
In other news, one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman is going to make an appearance on the PBS kids show Arthur!!!! I think he makes an awesome animated cat. Yay Neil! Check it out October 25!
Thanks for reading! Let me know in the comments if there's any books you'd like to see me read in the future!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Remembering 9/11 with hate?
As a reader and an educator, I am appalled that there are still people who think that burning a book is the right way to get rid of an opposing view point. I'm 100% behind the American Library Association on this one.
Banned Books week is a favorite of mine. It is totally fine to dislike or disagree with a book, but it is never ok to get rid of it entirely. Freedom of Speech means there will be people who say things you don't like. They have that right. You have the right to not read it. You do not have the right to stop others from reading it.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on these issues, the article, banned books, burning books. Would you like posts about favorite "Banned Books" for Banned Books week? Septembe 25-October 2 Please Comment!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

In The Hunger Games we are introduced to a dystopic world in which the land and all of its resources are divided into 12 districts. The people and everything produced by these districts are controlled by the government of The Capitol. Every year, in order to demonstrate their control over the districts, The Capitol selects two children from each district to participate in the nationally televised Hunger Games. In these games, the tributes are forced to fight to the death, and the last one standing wins glory and riches for his district.
In Katniss Everdeen we are given a hero who is both vulnerable and vicious all at once. Katniss is an incredibly complicated character that I think readers will both relate to and learn a lot from. She is passionate and a fierce fighter, but still loving and kind. Katniss has to struggle with maintaining her humanity in some of the most savage situations. I love what the book has to say about the world, about government, survival, freedom, love, and most importantly about what people view as "entertainment". The idea that the entire country watches these children kill each other on television is a staggering thought. It makes you reconsider the idea of “reality” television. The characters are well crafted and the reader can truly connect with Katniss and those she loves.
What were your thoughts on The Hunger Games? What made this book so special?
Stay Tuned for Catching Fire and Mockingjay!!